Opening Statement :

Even you as brand manager wouldn't disagree with the fact that we have arrived at a dynamic customer market where nothing less than instant is expected. Right from your social media likes, and pizza delivery to your answer to your calls; gratification will only be achieved if everything happens instantly.

The reason being A) Nobody wants a cold pizza, B) As a customer if you are choosing a brand; that brand must not make you wait for a minute as obviously there are millions of reasons to switch. However, it’s either “Instant Gratification” or “Instant Misery”. Nabil states,” the 'promiscuous consumer', who displays no obvious loyalty; if not responded right away chances are high that they will take their business elsewhere”.

Customer Gratification:

It’s Not Always

Instant & How You

Can Change It?

Previously in our blog, " Omni Channel Experience to Leak Proof Your Business " Akil stated that, ‘Brand Managers should always consider building a central repository for all their leads; be it print ads, Facebook or display ads. This can go long way on a mid to long-term basis’. But in concurrence what your brand need is a successful customer interaction and loyalty program that embraces a multichannel infrastructure that is built on a data-driven strategy to deliver actionable insights.

Although we are talking about technology-driven strategies, the quote” Automate Process, Not Relationship” should not be ignored. The goal of automation isn’t eliminating human contact. Human contact at important moments can motivate a purchase decision, but that’s just the beginning. It can also create fiercely loyal, repeat customers who evangelize your company and product. Phone time and hand-typed emails can be a strong differentiating factor and the key to your company’s viral growth.

Our central repository can leverage your brand with insights such as; prospects opening your emails, clicking links, visiting your site, and visiting specific pages, it tells you their level of interest via scoring functionality. The scoring functionality will help you distinguish prospects who are highly engaged deep in your funnel which is a clear signal it’s time to get in touch with that contact and discuss your solution.

Hence the outreach team of experts will cue themselves to add the human touch. The team which well trained for effectively approaching and handling any rebuttal customers might have and finally leads them through the purchase stage. As the King (Customer) longs for options within your brand and you being the best brand promise to deliver, there is a possibility that the customer would want every single detail or more than expected information on call.

Our team of call center outsourcing services in India has built a functionality within the repository that would facilitate such scenarios with all the information in a single view. It includes a search feature so the team can get answers to major questions as well as top articles and product-specific navigation. In addition, it could also be offered to customers with a link that includes other customer education features like product details, videos, and webinars. It will eliminate any chances of customers feeling unsure and coveter the conversion decision.

Our lead project manager of outsourcing BPO services would conclude, that it requires more than technology for instant gratification which isn't a one-time phenomenon. Gratification at all stages can assured with the right mix of technology and human touch via a central repository facilitating engagement at all touch points and adding an expert approach at certain intervals for better conversion rates.

This blog was written with excerpts from Nabil Mahimwala; who is a first generation outsourcing entrepreneur and has consulted and implemented more than 50 contact center, PSUs and Corporates over the last two decades.


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